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本文是 js 文件处理系列三,前两篇文章有介绍 js 文件处理,感兴趣的可以查看 导出 pdf 文件和 word/excel/pdf/ppt 在线预览,本文补充一下 js 提前 pdf 中的文字和图片的方法。
从 PDF 中提取文字 - 核心代码
其实核心代码还是利用了 pdf.js 这个库,之前上一篇文章也有提及这个库,主要可以做 pdfweb 端的预览。
* Retrieves the text of a specif page within a PDF Document obtained through pdf.js
* @param {Integer} pageNum Specifies the number of the page
* @param {PDFDocument} PDFDocumentInstance The PDF document obtained
function getPageText(pageNum, PDFDocumentInstance) {
// Return a Promise that is solved once the text of the page is retrieven
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {PDFDocumentInstance.getPage(pageNum).then(function (pdfPage) {
// The main trick to obtain the text of the PDF page, use the getTextContent method
pdfPage.getTextContent().then(function (textContent) {
var textItems = textContent.items;
var finalString = '';
// Concatenate the string of the item to the final string
for (var i = 0; i
从 PDF 中提取图片
// first here I open the document
pdf.getDocument('haorooms.pdf').promise.then(async function (pdfObj) {
// because I am testing, I just wanted to get page 7
const page = await pdfObj.getPage(7);
// now I need to get the image information and for that I get the operator list
const operators = await page.getOperatorList();
// this is for the paintImageXObject one, there are other ones, like the paintJpegImage which I assume should work the same way, this gives me the whole list of indexes of where an img was inserted
const rawImgOperator = operators.fnArray
.map((f, index) => (f === pdf.OPS.paintImageXObject ? index : null))
.filter((n) => n !== null);
// now you need the filename, in this example I just picked the first one from my array, your array may be empty, but I knew for sure in page 7 there was an image... in your actual code you would use loops, such info is in the argsArray, the first arg is the filename, second arg is the width and height, but the filename will suffice here
const filename = operators.argsArray[rawImgOperator[0]][0];
// now we get the object itself from page.objs using the filename
page.objs.get(filename, async (arg) => {
// and here is where we need the canvas, the object contains information such as width and height
const canvas = ccc.createCanvas(arg.width, arg.height);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// now you need a new clamped array because the original one, may not contain rgba data, and when you insert you want to do so in rgba form, I think that a simple check of the size of the clamped array should work, if it's 3 times the size aka width*height*3 then it's rgb and shall be converted, if it's 4 times, then it's rgba and can be used as it is; in my case it had to be converted, and I think it will be the most common case
const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(arg.width * arg.height * 4);
let k = 0;
let i = 0;
while (i
本文主要介绍了 js 获取 pdf 中文本和图片的方法,其实 pdf 转 word 也是大致这个思路,主要获取文本和图片,放到 word 文档中。
本文主要是利用了 pdfjs 库,参考了 issue https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/13541